Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Destination of the Week: Key West/ Florida Keys

I know I already did a post on my trip to the Florida Keys, but I have decided to do another one. My trip to the Keys was incredible! The water was so blue and beautiful. The snorkeling is fantastic (where I was at least). I wish I could have snorkeled near the underwater statues off of Key Largo but I did go snorkeling other places that were just as nice. Bahia Honda State Park was very pretty, with the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the Gulf of Mexico on the other, there are two great beaches only a few steps away from eachother. The water was calm the day I was here and the snorkeling was fun too. There were so many things to see! I did see signs to beware of the jellyfish so stay alert if you go here. I also would recommend wearing water shoes when you go to the beaches here due to the rocky bottom some areas may have with the rocks, corals and seagrasses that line the ocean floor. Water shoes may also help make other animals like stingrays who like to bury in the sand more aware of your presence so you do not accidentally step on them.

Key West was great too! I wish I would have gotten to spend more than just a few hours here, there was a lot to see and do! I started off my visit by buying a coconut from a street vender. He grabbed a coconut from a barrel, drilled a hole in it with an electric drill, stuck a straw in it and handed me a huge coconut to carry around! While I drank from my coconut, friends and I walked to wait in the line to get our picture taken next to the monument stating we are only 90 miles from Cuba and that Key West is the most southern point in the Continental United States. There were so many restaurants to go to, bars to drink at, stores to shop in and places and shows to see! I wish I had gotten to walk past Ernest Hemingway's House while I was there.

I would definitely recommend going to the pier at Sunset to celebrate with everyone and watch the sunset. Key West is the "Home of the Sunset" and that is for sure the truth! I have never seen a more beautiful sunset then the times I was in the Keys. Soak it all in, the sunsets are breathtaking!

Overall the Keys are gorgeous, with so much history, places to eat and shop and things to do, you will not be bored on your trip to the Keys! Just taking a drive and seeing the beach and blue water all around you is a fun time!

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