Monday, January 27, 2014

Pros/Cons to traveling by PLANE

I have been on an airplane a few times, the most recent being when I went to Alaska. This trip involved flying from Philadelphia to Seattle and from Seattle to Vancouver. This was a VERY long trip. We left Philadelphia around 2pm EST and got to Seattle at around 9:30pm PST. Then we had an hour and a half layover and finally got to Vancouver around 1am. These pros and cons do not necessarily apply for first class, seeing as how I have never flown first class....

Pros to flying:
-fast way to get somewhere
-free drinks!!! (on most flights)
-free snacks!!! (on some flights)
-free movie to watch (on long flights)
-awesome view out the window! (if you have a window seat)
-leg room (if on an aisle seat)

Cons to flying:
-little to no leg room (if bigger then the average person or if you do not have a window seat)
-having the middle seat sucks
-small bathroom
-stiff from sitting for so long
-you get dry skin
-baggage fees
-having to sit on the airplane if there is a delay
-waiting in line to go through security
-waiting in line to check in
-waiting in line to get on the plane
-waiting in line to get off the plane
-waiting in line to get your bag off the belt
-when the person in front of you reclines their seat

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