Friday, January 24, 2014

Money Saving Tips: Only Carry Cash

Another great money saving tip is to only carry and use cash to pay for things. By only using cash I have to physically count the bills out and I see my wallet getting slimmer, this makes me think twice about if I really NEED something or not. I like to always have an even amount of money in my wallet so I can figure out how much money I spent at the end of the night. I see my friends who whip out there cards for $1 purchases, what is the point of that? To me it seems like an even greater opportunity for someone to steal your credit card numbers. Some places do not even accept cards, so cash is always convenient.

By incorporating my tip from last week, you can save up even more money. At the end of the night you don't want any change and you want an even number of bills in your wallet. Deposit this excess into a jar or piggy bank and don't touch it. This will add up FAST. The more you do this, the more you will save. I like to think of it like I am kind of 'paying' myself. It always brings a smile to my face when I see just how much I saved after a few months of doing this.

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