Monday, January 13, 2014

Pro/Cons to traveling by CAR

I have traveled via car a lot in the past year. I drove from the Northeast USA to Florida 2 times in 2013. Once From PA to Orlando, FL and back as well as from Virginia to the Florida Keys and back. These trips consisted of LONG HOURS in a car. This trip felt especially long when we drove from Virginia to the Keys. On that trip we actually stopped and slept at a hotel in Northern Florida, then continued to our destination the next day. I said that was enough long car rides for me, but alas, I will be driving from Pennsylvania to Georgia in a few weeks time.

-travel at own pace (can take breaks whenever you want or need a break, can pull over for pictures, food, to stretch)
-can control your own heating/air conditioning

-takes longer
-you have to pay for gas
-possibility of being stranded alone
-dealing with traffic or confusing signs
-hard to read if you get motion sick
-hard to drive long car trips by yourself (will need a buddy to switch drivers with)
-confined space to have to be close to others
-can be boring on veryy long carrides

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