Monday, January 20, 2014

Last first day of school

Tonight comes a special post because tomorrow is my last first day of school ever. I can't believe it. Where did the time go? All of my schooling has lead to what will come at the end of this semester. Graduation.

After this semester I do not know what comes next. For the past 16 years I have know what I was going to be doing the next year. Now I have no clue where I will be 5 months from now. It is a scary time and one that I am going through with my friends and many others around the world.

My first days of school have always been special. I would wake up and have a special outfit planned and I would have a special breakfast. Pancakes and bacon being the most popular. Then after I ate, my sister and I would get our picture taken in front of our door. These traditions have changed some over the years, but even in college I still took and will take a first day of school picture. That is if we do not have a snow day haha.

To all the other second semester seniors out there (wow that is weird to say), this is our year! Good luck and have a great last semester!!!

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