Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pros and Cons of traveling to Europe in a tour group vs. traveling alone

These are just some pros and cons of traveling alone vs. in a group that I was thinking over....

Pros to traveling with a tour group:
-do not need to plan as much (transportation, hotels,meals, schedule)/more time to enjoy sites
-many things included in price (including some meals, admission to museums/sights, air fare,transportation, other things)
-may get to skip lines to some attractions
-will not be alone in a foreign city
-will make friends in group

Cons to traveling with a tour group:
-stand out as a tourist right away
-everything is planned/less time to explore
-schedule I need to follow (no/less flexibility)
-can not explore as much
-may be more expensive

Pros to traveling alone:
-do not need to stick to a certain schedule
-can explore/do what I want when I want

Cons to traveling alone:
-Being alone in a foreign country/city=dangerous?
-navigating a foreign country on my own/finding somewhere to stay
-no company/lonely

Currently, I am still thinking a tour group may be the way to go. I would have to plan less, everything is included in the price and it seems like less of a hassle. But I don't know if I like the idea of traveling in large groups and looking even more touristy....however, I am sure we would break up into smaller groups some times so this may not be an issue. Traveling alone seems daunting and even scary for a young female like myself in a foreign country. It seems safer to be in a group...

If you have anything to add, suggestions, thoughts, comments, experiences to share, feel free to leave a comment! I would love some input!

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