Wednesday, October 16, 2013


My zodiac sign is Sagittarius. As a Sagittarius, one of the descriptions I have noticed that is mentioned a lot when looking through my horoscopes is the mention of travel.

According to a horoscope app I have on my phone, some major characteristics of my sign are:

"Restless energy and the need for personal independence keep a Sagittarian moving in many directions. They become experts at adapting to the culture or climate of their immediate environment. Always ready to travel for business or pleasure (and sometimes because of the overwhelming urge to escape). Sagittarians are all too willing to break free of the confinements of responsibility and work."

This describes me so well. I just can not wait until I can finally get out and explore the world! I feel as if I am itching to travel. 

One day this day will come where I can explore!

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