Sunday, October 6, 2013

Quarter Life Crisis? / Trip to Europe

HELP! I am currently 21 years old and am going through what feels like a mid-life crisis.

-I don't know if what I am going to college for is what I want to do with the rest of my life anymore. Will I like it? It's too late to change now, i'm on my 4th year!
-How will I deal with all my debt when I graduate?
-What am I doing with my life?
     -My Facebook/Twitter are filled with what amazing things others my age are doing! Why am I not doing cool things? I am just sitting here, procrastinating studying for upcoming exams and doing homework.
    -BUT I did do cool things this summer, I am doing something with my life. This is what I have to keep telling myself. Fun things will come once I graduate.
        -I feel like that is what I always tell myself. Next time I will do this, later I can do that. I want to do it all NOW.

"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."

This is the motto I live by. I always obsess over things and forget to live in the present. But it is hard to live in the present when there are so many things you could be doing or seeing in life.

I want to travel the world and see what it has to offer. The world is a large place and I want to see it all while I am young. But alas, to travel I need money, and right now I am a lowly college student saving up my money from my jobs I am working on campus.

The past few days I have been obsessed with backpacking through Europe. When I get into something, I GET INTO something. I obsess over it. I have been looking up blogs, news articles, packing tips, videos, all kinds of things to prepare for this fantasy trip in my head. One day it will happen. Whether it be by myself or with someone else or even a group of people. One day I WILL go to Europe.

My next post will highlight all of the places I want to go in Europe as well as what I want to see there. Granted I have not done much research or anything like that. But I do have general ideas of what I want to see (mostly the popular touristy sites). But this is just a starting point.

One day I hope to look back on this blog and read about all of my fears and be able to tell my past self not to worry, you will accomplish all of your goals in life and you WILL be able to travel Europe soon. Until then, get through college, save up your money and enjoy your last years of college.

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