Wednesday, October 9, 2013

How I will save for my trip

I am estimating I will need to save between $6,000-$7,000 for a month long guided trip to Europe. This trip will include travel, most meals, entry fees to museums and other sites. All I will need to pay for is a few meals and souvenirs. I am also trying to save enough to be able to go a few places on my own for a week or 2 before or after my trip.

I plan on going on this trip in late May/ Early June of 2015. This gives me about 18 months to save.

592 Days
51,148,800 seconds
852,480 minutes
14,208 hours
84 weeks

wow that does not seem like a long time at all.

I used this site to calculate this if you were wondering.

I currently have saved less than $1,000.

To save $6,000 I will need to save $10 a day for the next 592 days. We will see how this goes. When I go home for fall break in a few days I may take some money out of my account and put it in a jar to make sure I can not spend it.

The only problem will be what do I do once winter break comes. Hopefully I will be able to find a job. I havn't had much luck getting jobs over past winter breaks. Maybe this year will be different.

If you have an tips on how to save money, leave them in the comments! I would love to read them!

My new motto

Update: I just downloaded this free App I found for my phone called "Saving Made Easy". It lets you set the amount of money you want to say and the date you want to save it by then it shows how much money you need to save each day/month/year. This will definitely come in handy!

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