Monday, October 7, 2013

Travel Bug/The Start to Saving Money for my Trip

I feel like I am just sitting here wasting my life away. There is so much to see in the world and here I am studying for midterms this week. I want to see the world!!! How much will this test matter in the long run? I could be in Europe right now exploring. I am just itching to travel and see what is out there in the world. There is so much to see and do and I can not wait to get started. And either if I end up going backpacking alone or with a tour group, I need to do it before I turn 26 in order to get all of the discounts. My goal as of right now is to go after I graduate in May of 2015. I just want to go right now. But that requires I guess I am stuck here studying for now.....

and so the savings begin and the procrastinating on my school work ends.

This is the start of trip to Europe. (It all starts with saving up the money)

From now on I will be saving a portion of each paycheck in this ceramic cupcake or similar container. Hopefully this post will hold me to it. To keep myself from spending I will take the money out of my bank account and leave it at home while I am at college so I will not have access to it and won't be able to spend it.

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