Friday, April 18, 2014

DCP: The decision

SO today is the day we were told we would hear Disney's decision by. I just got my email......AND I'M STILL IN IT. The email said that all positions are currently filled but my application will stay in consideration and I can hear back up until May 9th! So I guess if people drop out, decline their offers or decide not to go they will accept me! So I am kind of on a wait list I think. Yeah!!!! I am so glad I am not out yet!!! I am wondering if I would have applied earlier (sooner than the last week you could apply), if I would have been accepted. Either way, I am SO SO SO happy to still be in consideration!!! I will continue crossing my fingers and praying everyday until May 9th! I can hear back sooner than that too according to the email. I am just so excited!!!!!!!

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