Sunday, April 13, 2014

DCP: This week I will know

The final week has arrived. By Friday, I should have a yes or no answer from Disney whether or not I have been accepted into the Disney College Program. There was a wave of acceptances on Friday, so I am hoping there are still spots open. I'm sure there are, i'm just hoping my interview and everything showed the interviewers and decision makers how much I want this. The more and more I think about being accepted into the program, the more excited I become and the more I want it. I keep imagining myself one day working in Animal Kingdom as an environmental educator. That would be the best job ever! It would involve my major (Earth Science) AND I would get to work at Disney World! I have been staying positive and I know everything happens for a reason, so even if I do not get accepted, I will know something bigger and better must be out there for me. I am still crossing my fingers and wishing nonstop to be accepted though. So hopefully I will receive an email soon!

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