Wednesday, June 11, 2014

First few days of the Disney College Program

So on Monday I finally checked in for my program! I arrived at Vista Way around 7:15am. I then had to wait in a line at the entrance until they lead us back to the building we were going to go through check in in. I met up with my roommates and we got in line. We all got stick on temporary nametags. Then we got our program book. After that we got our sticker that says where we will be working. I will be working at Pecos Bill's Cafe in Magic Kingdom!!!! I am so excited to be working in Magic Kingdom! 

After that we got our housing assignment and found out we are in a 4 bedroom in Chatham. We requested a 3 bedroom, but now we can make more friends! The 2 other girls with us are nice and I am even rooming with one of them. Me and 4 of my other roommates are working in Magic Kingdom, 2 in Hollywood Studios and 1 at the All Star Resorts. 

After that we went over some more details, got our housing ID and apartment key then headed over to casting. Everyone was so nice and helpful. It went by pretty fast. When i was done I got on the bus to go back. Then I met up my my family to head over to my apartment to unpack. After getting all my stuff out of my apartment we went to Publix and Walmart for some stuff. After that we got Chick-fil-a then I said bye to my parents. When I was back at my apartment I did some more unpacking and organizing. Then at night I went to Downtown Disney with 2 of my roommates.

On Tuesday I had my housing meeting at 1pm where they went over some rules. They made it a little more entertaining by asking some trivia questions for prizes and playing music. After that I went to Target with my roommates and at night we just hung out at the apartment because it was storming.

Today the plan is to go to Beaches and Cream and get the kitchen sink with my roommates!

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