Sunday, June 1, 2014

DCP: T-minus 3 days

In 3 days I will be leaving PA and heading to Florida to start the Disney College Program! I am so excited! But still a little nervous. I am sure everything will be a lot of fun and I will make plenty of friends! I have been away from home for college for a while so I know what it is like to be away. But it is still a little nerve wracking that I will be so far away from home. I have gotten most of my packing done. I finally received my new hire paperwork and DORMS emails on Thursday so all of that is taken care of. I was getting nervous because I had to wait so long to get it but everything worked out and everything is all in order. My roommates and I all were able to request each other to live together so hopefully everything with housing works out! In the next couple of days I will be meeting up with friends for last goodbyes and I will finish packing. Then the journey to Florida will begin and I can start my time in the Disney College Program!!!

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