Sunday, June 8, 2014

DCP: Weekend before check in!!!!

My journey to check in began on Thursday June 5th. We left PA at 3:14am and got to Savannah around 6pm. Along the way we stopped at South of the Border to take some funny pictures then continued on. After we got settled in our hotel we ate at Longhorn steakhouse then drove into Savannah to look around. We drove around the historic section of Savannah including Forsyth park and took pictures. The trees were all really pretty and the area was nice. I was surprised how little traffic there was fora city. I also noticed how clean everything was. It was a nice little side trip. After exploring we went back to the hotel and went to sleep. The next day we woke up and headed on our way. In the morning over breakfast we decided to stop at the Daytona International Speedway. While we were there we took a tour of the stadium and my dad did a ride along in one of the racecars. We were there for a decent amount of time then we ate dinner at Outback. After eating we drove the rest of the way to Lake Buena Vista. We checked into the hotel then relaxed for the rest of the night.

On Saturday we went to Epcot. We got there right when it opened and went straight to Soarin'. It was great! We got right on! Overall the park did not seem too crowded. We got to do all the rides we wanted to as well as visit all of countries and really take it all in and see everything.

Today we went to Downtown Disney for a while. We ate lunch at the at the T-Rex restaurant and had ice cream at Ghiradelli. Then we went in some stores and headed back to the hotel.

We have been busy these past few days! Also Orange is the New Black season 2 was released on Netflix so I will have to find time to fit that into my schedule soon. I don't know when I will get around to it though with starting work soon but we will see! I am excited to check in tomorrow and meet everyone and find out where I will be working!!!!!

Tomorrow will be just like going to college except I won't have any homework, I get to live in Florida and I can go to Disney World everyday. Other than that its the same thing hahaha

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