Wednesday, July 9, 2014

WOW! What a month!!!

I cant believe I have already been down in Florida for a month!! Where did the time go??? I have been working soo much! With only having 1 day off a week I havnt gotten to do too much, but I did get to go see the 4th of July Fireworks on July 3rd! So they were the 3rd of July fireworks? They were amazing with the 360 degree fireworks! I even got to see them on the 4th while I was working. I just happened tobe bussing tables outside so I got to watch! I forget if I ever said where I am working. I am working at Pecos Bills Tale Tale Inn and Cafe! So far it is going great! I am starting to get friendlier with people from work which is nice. I havn't gotten to see my roommates all tha much since we have all been working a lot. Tomorrow is my next day off so I am planning to either go to Epcot or Hollywood Studios. I have yet to see Fantasmic or Illuminations so I want to see one of those tomorrow. Maybe I will park hop so I can see the Frozen event at Hollywood Studios then go to Epcot. We will see! I will try and keep this blog more updated but it is really hard when I am working this much!

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