Friday, March 21, 2014

Money Saving tip: Think long and hard before you spend

Do you really need that Starbucks coffee? Even buying one less a week will add up cash for you to save. Instead of spending it on a coffee, put that money in a jar. That way you 'spent' the money, but you are saving it for yourself for later. Everytime you almost buy something, put the money you would have spent away somewhere so you can save. A good tip is to cut back on things as much as possible Even 1 less trip to Starbucks or skip getting your nails done once, the money will add up! Do you really need all those subscription services? Cancel just one or too and put all of that money in a jar. This way you are still 'spending' the money, only you are paying yourself! At the end of the year/month/ time frame, see how much is in the jar and spend all that money on a plane ticket or trip! It will be worth it! Do not give up what you want most for what you want now. Ever since i've found that quote I have been thinking about it a lot, especially when it comes to spending money. Cutting back now can equal being able to afford a trip later, or what I want most, to travel. Good luck!

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