Saturday, March 29, 2014

Disney College Program

So I just applied to the Disney College Program 2 days ago. I filled out the application and submitted it and within the hour was emailed the web based interview to take. I passed that and within 45 minutes was sent the email to schedule a phone interview! It was so exciting!!! So I scheduled my interview and had it earlier today. I think it went well, we will see! I am nervous about applying so late (today was the last day to apply)! The woman on the phone said I would hear back in 2-3 weeks, so we will see!! My fingers are crossed! I applied for the Fall 2014 and Fall Advantage 2014 programs. Ahhhh I am so nervous to see if I got in!!! It would be so fun to work at Disney! I want to get in so I can take the Environmental Sustainability seminar class too. I will be graduating in May and I did not even know people graduating could participate in the program! I am SO thankful I decided to look up the program again on a whim to double check the requirements! Fingers crossed!!!!

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