Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Destination of the Week: Boston, Massachusetts

I went to Boston a longgg time ago. I was in sixth or seventh grade I think so I do not remember much. I do remember that there we did a lot of historic things while in Massachusetts. We went to a reenactment of a witch trial which was interesting, we went to Plymouth Plantation and Plymouth Rock. Those are the main highlights I remember from our trip. The witch trial was cool, but it could be scary for young children. I really enjoyed Plymouth Plantation because all of the actors pretend that they are living back in the time period and act like they do not know what cameras or cell phones are if they see you with one. It was like stepping back in time and experiencing what it was like back then. Plymouth rock was a good stop to say that I saw it, but it was a little underwhelming. It was just a rock in a hole surrounded by a fence because tourists used to chip pieces of the rock off and take them as souvenirs. Now it has to be fenced in in a hole so people can not do that anymore. It was still a must see site to see in the area just to say I saw it. I would like to go back and explore the city and area more so I can remember more of it now that I am older.

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