Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Moving across the Country after College

Recently I have been thinking about moving across the country after I graduate from college. Is this a realistic goal? Maybe. I  graduate in about a year and half so I have time to think about what I want to do after college. Moving across the country would be an adventure! I would get to explore a new city and all of the cities and states around it that I have never been to! I have not done any research yet but some cities/areas I have been thinking about are:

-Seattle (close to Vancouver, Oregon and other states I have never been to)
-Northern/Central California (San Francisco,close to California cities I have never been to, giant Redwood trees)
-Southern California (near the beach, LA, San Diego, National Parks, lots of things to do,closer to Las Vegas, Arizona,Utah, ect...)
-Florida (Miami?, beaches)

As an Oceanography and Meteorology major I would love to be near the beach and be able to go snorkeling and see the sea life that Florida has to offer! But moving to the West Coast would give me the opportunity to explore SO many new places!

Moving across the country would be a lot of work, and of course I would most likely need to find a job before I consider moving that far away from home... but a girl can dream! I want to go on adventures while I am young. If I end up not being able to go on my dream trip to Europe when I graduate, I can go on an adventure on the West Coast somewhere. Maybe I will get a job on a cruise ship and be gone for a few months! Who knows?! I guess I will see what jobs are available where and what job I end up landing and that is where I will go!

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