Tuesday, November 12, 2013

An update on my money saving

I have reworked my savings goal to be the total amount I want to have saved when I graduate college. From this money, I hopefully will be able to go on a trip to Europe as well as have some money saved to move out into the 'real world'. Right now I have saved 15% of my goal according to the App called "Saving Made Easy". This app has been very helpful. You put in how much money you want to save by a certain date and it tells you how much you would need to save each day,week, every 2 weeks and every month to meet this goal. You can then add and subtract money as you save and spend in order to keep track of your spending and reinforce your saving. It has given me motivation not to spend money so I can see the percent of my savings continue to rise. I may need to rework how much money I want to save based on my saving, but we will see how it goes!

With Christmas coming up, I hope my savings are not affected too much. I am going to try and keep track of my spending over the holidays and hopefully I will not go overboard this year.

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