Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Weekend Trip Ideas: A short Cruise

A great weekend or long weekend trip idea is to go on a cruise! If you live near a cruise ship port this won't be hard at all.

Royal Caribbean has their own weekend cruise/short cruise section here! Most of these leave from Florida, but there are some that leave from New Jersey. These short cruises could be just what you need for a quick island adventure. Right now there are some starting at less then $200!!! What a great price! If I lived in Florida I would definitely take advantage of these short cruises and use them as an opportunity to travel more. Even if you spend $500 for a short cruise it is still an OK price. You could probably make $500 in a month of working.

If you live in New Jersey, you still have a few options, and they are a little pricier, but you can save on airfare by leaving from here.

Let me know if you have ever taken one of these 'quickie' cruises!

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