Friday, August 26, 2016

Wekiwa Springs State Park: Apopka,Florida

Ever since moving to Florida I have been dying to explore the outdoor attractions that we just don’t have in Pennsylvania. One of those being the natural springs around this area. I have been to Blue Springs State Park in the past where I saw some manatees but for this post I want to talk about my experience at Wekiwa Springs State Park.
First some stats!
Location: Apopka, Florida
Distance from Disney World (Magic Kingdom): 38 miles (about 45 minutes)
Admission: $4 single occupancy vehicle, $6 2-8 people per vehicle
Tolls (to and from): $7 (make sure you have quarters for change only tolls!)
Also account for gas prices
What to do: Wekiwa Springs offers many activities! While I was here I snorkeled in the crystal clear water and explored a nearby boardwalk pathway. They also offer kayaking, canoeing,a nature center, camping and numerous trails to explore. Some amenities include nearby restrooms and a concessions stand!
Time Spent: About 2 hours (left early due to rain)

My day started around 11am when I started off on my way to Wekiwa Springs. The roads were not too busy, just make sure you have quarters for those tricky change only tolls! Luckily I had some to spare! I am not looking forward to the day I unexpectedly come across one with no quarters in sight. What a mess that will be! Anyway, it was a nice easy drive. When I arrived I quickly found a parking spot, gathered my towel and bags and headed down to the spring. I set up a nice spot on the hill where I could watch everyone snorkeling and swimming. It was a nice view of the beautiful spring while I ate my picnic lunch.
After lunch I snorkeled a bit in the refreshing 72 degree water. There were a few little fishes and a nice sandy bottom to look at. I heard some teenagers exclaiming how they had spotted a bigger fish, so they are there as well!
When I tired of snorkeling I took a nice stroll around the outside of the spring where I spotted a nearby raccoon. I hurried away from it in case it got any closer and soon found myself at a nice wooded deck walking trail. I followed it for a while until the sky started becoming a bit dark. So I turned around, passing the Kayak and Canoe rental area on my way out. By the time I got back to my towel and other belongings, there was a rumble of thunder in the distance and rain had started to fall. I gathered my stuff and began trekking up to hill back to my car. I made a quick stop at the nature center to admire the turtles and passed another trail head where I read a warning sign about black bears. Next time I will be sure to bring a friend before heading out on that trail! Can never be too careful!
Overall, it was a great day trip and I will definitely be returning to either rent a kayak or head out on the trails!

Check out this video I made of my day!

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