Saturday, August 9, 2014

1st Beach Trip

After being here for a little over 2 months I finally made it to the beach with my roommate! We went to Cocoa Beach yesterday. It was such a nice day! As it got later storm clouds began to roll in and we got stuck in a huge downpour on the way home. There was also some intense lightning! We made a wrong turn and got a little lost on our way home, but we found a Chipotle to go to for dinner so it was worth it! My roommates and I have been planning more trips and made reservations at a few places to eat so we can start experiencing more things here instead of just going to work and the parks all the time.

This week was also a sad week because a lot of my international friends went home because it was the end of their program. A few are still left, but they will be leaving soon too. I am also excited to start meeting the incoming Fall college program people. I also booked my parents room for when they come to visit so our plans for that are starting to come together which is exciting!

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