Monday, August 25, 2014

So I picked up some PAC shifts....

Last week I picked up 2 Parade Audience Control Shifts at Magic Kingdom. They were both for the same day. One was during the 3:00 parade, and the other was at night for the first electrical parade and wishes. I had a few hours break in between to relax. Because I normally work in Magic Kingdom I was not too worried about the shift, it did require me to figure out where to meet and clock in at. It was a little confusing because I think you can clock in at a lot of different places, then you have to find what building to meet in. For PAC South shifts you meet in once place and for PAC West shifts you meet somewhere else, so I finally figured out where to go for each one after asking a bunch of different PAC people but it all worked out! For Festival of Fantasy I worked South and got a position right near the hub in front of the castle. It was a lot of fun and I got to learn all about how PAC works. It was a really hot day and I did not have a water bottle, but it was still so much fun to get to see how other roles work in MK. After the parade passed our area, the girl who was in a position near me and I took our poles and put them away then we got to join in the parade at the back and wave to the crowd! We were in the parade!!!! Then after that we had a meeting to go over how everyone did. It reminded me of marching band, where we would have a game plan and talk before and after to discuss what happened. For the night time parade, as we were getting ready to go out and set up it started thundering and lightning so we went back inside to wait. They first electrical parade ended up being cancelled, so I only got to work Wishes. For that I stood in front of the castle and told guests to stay to their right and keep moving to not block the pathway. Overall, PAC was a really fun experience and I can't wait to do it again! I really want to do it for the Halloween parade some time so I am going to keep looking for that! I also signed up to work a Frozen Parade shift at Hollywood Studios this friday, so that will be a new experience. I have not worked at another park yet and I don't know my way around there as well yet, so hopefully everything goes well!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

1st Beach Trip

After being here for a little over 2 months I finally made it to the beach with my roommate! We went to Cocoa Beach yesterday. It was such a nice day! As it got later storm clouds began to roll in and we got stuck in a huge downpour on the way home. There was also some intense lightning! We made a wrong turn and got a little lost on our way home, but we found a Chipotle to go to for dinner so it was worth it! My roommates and I have been planning more trips and made reservations at a few places to eat so we can start experiencing more things here instead of just going to work and the parks all the time.

This week was also a sad week because a lot of my international friends went home because it was the end of their program. A few are still left, but they will be leaving soon too. I am also excited to start meeting the incoming Fall college program people. I also booked my parents room for when they come to visit so our plans for that are starting to come together which is exciting!