Saturday, May 17, 2014

DCP: Planning for my trip to Florida for the DCP

Things are starting to come together for my trip down to Florida! My entire family and I will be driving down to Florida. We are stopping about 12 hours into our trip then will spend a day and a half there then continue on to Florida. We will then have Saturday night and Sunday to spend in Florida before check in! I have been doing some shopping and laying things out to start packing. I still have a lot of things on my list I need to get before I leave but I still have a few weeks to get things together which is good. I still have not received my new hire paperwork so hopefully I will be getting that soon so I can fill it out and check one more thing off my list. We still have not found a 6th girl to join us for an apartment so I think we are just going to get someone random. After all the 5 of us who have been talking are all basically random too, we just think we will get along. Hopefully everything works out! I am excited to get down there and start working, but I know I will miss my sister and family. Its sinking in now just how much I will be missing while I am away. I'm sure once I get down there and am busy it will go by fast and I will be home before I know it. I just don't like missing out on family events, especially holidays. Just thinking now about all the holidays I am going to miss is making me sad. I just hope I get along with my roommates and make a lot of friends to spend time with. I just need to look on the bright side and make the most of my experience and everything will be ok!

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