Monday, May 26, 2014

DCP: 2 Weeks until check in!!!!!

So I check in for the Disney College Program in 2 weeks!! I will be starting the trip down there in 9 days!!! Ahh so soon!! I've been packing and reading up on other DCP blogs to prepare. It is exciting reading about peoples experiences who are already there and seeing people post in the Facebook groups. Pretty soon that will be me! I still have not gotten my new hire paperwork. Today was Memorial Day so they were probably off. I may email them again or call if I do not get it by tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest. Good luck to anyone reading this who will be checking in soon and I can't wait to make some new friends!

Monday, May 19, 2014

DCP: Packing

So I think I have bought most of the things I will need for my time at Disney! Now I just need to figure out how to narrow down my clothes selection to the clothes I will actually wear. I really do not want to overpack. I am driving down, so I do have more room than people flying, but I do not want to pack too many things. I want to travel with stuff I will actually need and use. Only 3 weeks to go!!!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

DCP: Planning for my trip to Florida for the DCP

Things are starting to come together for my trip down to Florida! My entire family and I will be driving down to Florida. We are stopping about 12 hours into our trip then will spend a day and a half there then continue on to Florida. We will then have Saturday night and Sunday to spend in Florida before check in! I have been doing some shopping and laying things out to start packing. I still have a lot of things on my list I need to get before I leave but I still have a few weeks to get things together which is good. I still have not received my new hire paperwork so hopefully I will be getting that soon so I can fill it out and check one more thing off my list. We still have not found a 6th girl to join us for an apartment so I think we are just going to get someone random. After all the 5 of us who have been talking are all basically random too, we just think we will get along. Hopefully everything works out! I am excited to get down there and start working, but I know I will miss my sister and family. Its sinking in now just how much I will be missing while I am away. I'm sure once I get down there and am busy it will go by fast and I will be home before I know it. I just don't like missing out on family events, especially holidays. Just thinking now about all the holidays I am going to miss is making me sad. I just hope I get along with my roommates and make a lot of friends to spend time with. I just need to look on the bright side and make the most of my experience and everything will be ok!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

I did it!!!!!

Well I graduated college crazy!?!?! I can't believe it!!! I have the world at my fingertips now! So what will I be doing now? I'M GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 9, 2014

College Graduation

So tomorrow is my college graduation! I cannot believe the time has come! These past 4 years have gone by SO FAST!!! I will miss all of my friends and the structure of going to school and knowing what comes next, but I am also excited to start a new chapter of my life! What better way to do that then working at Disney World in the Disney College Program! My first full time job will be working at Disney World, how amazing is that!? 26 days until I start my journey to Florida for the DCP!!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

DCP: My Postcard came!!!!

My postcard came in the mail yesterday and my parents brought it up to school to give to me today!!!! I can't believe it got here so quickly!! Its starting to feel real now! I can't believe I am going to Disney World in a little over a month and I will get to live there!!!